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Episode #775: Jonathan Rivera: Using Podcasting to Fill Your Business with Opportunity

by | Jul 25, 2022 | Podcasts

I love talking about (and doing!) podcasting, which is why I’ve invited back Jonathan Rivera of The Podcast Factory to share more about the incredible opportunities that podcasting can give coaches today!

What We Cover in This Episode:

  • The changes Jonathan has seen in the podcast industry within the last few years
  • How sticking with podcasting, and “putting in the reps” will pay dividends
  • What you can do as a podcaster starting out who is looking for content to use
  • Why Jonathan says that you will always find something to pick apart in your own episodes
  • Where his business is going and his thoughts about using podcasting as a tool for your business
  • What’s happening today in the sponsorship sector
  • Whether or not he believes you should be charging your guests to appear on your show
  • His take on how to tackle a guest of your show that doesn’t do the work to promote it themselves


“People start chasing these things that are out of your control, like downloads and listeners and all that.”

“I need you guys out there to stop thinking of yourselves as podcasters. I don’t call myself a podcaster, I am a businessman with a podcast production company, that has a podcast.”

“The podcast is a tool to fill your business with opportunity.”

“I use my podcast as a nurturing tool for my clients. I make sure that invite my clients on the show, give them the spotlight, include them in the newsletter and different things, but that is just an added benefit of what we are doing.”


Jonathan’s Website, Instagram, & Books on Amazon

His Book, Direct Response Podcasting: Turn Listeners into Raving Fans and your Best Clients

Episode #516: Jonathan Rivera: The Power of Podcasting 

Dana Carvey and David Spade’s Podcast, Fly on the Wall

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