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Episode #595: Erin Pheil: Get Out Of Your Own Way

by | Feb 25, 2019 | Podcasts

After completing a BA in Psychology and MA in Digital Media, Erin blended her understanding of people with technology and founded, then ran an award-winning and nationally-ranked web agency for 16 years. She then went on to found MindFix after discovering the magic formula to getting out of one’s own way following a 3-year battle with pain and depression. Erin’s work and words have been featured in books, magazines, podcasts, webinars, newspaper columns, and events/conferences, she’s given keynote talks and presentations on instincts and human behavior, is Kolbe and DiSC certified, and has trained with the leaders of a variety of personal and professional development programs over the past decade and a half, ranging from Sandler Training to Strategic Coach.  

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • How Erin’s medical issues pushed her to experiment with different modalities and ultimately led to her developing Mind Fix
  • Why she chose to work with high achievers and entrepreneurs
  • Why we have tend to have negative self talk
  • The reasons that things like affirmations don’t always work


“We work with you until your problems and challenges you handed to us are gone.”

“Our emotions then impact the actions that we take.”

“You have to change at the root level.”

“You can’t permanently and instantly change your thoughts and your emotions without getting to the belief level.”


Erin’s Website & Facebook

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