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Episode #579: Terri Levine: Service, Not Selling

by | Nov 5, 2018 | Podcasts

Terri Levine is the founder of Heart-repreneur® and is a business and executive coaching expert. She assists businesses worldwide with business growth, sales, and marketing. She has more than 40 years of business experience, encompassing work with more than 5,000 business owners and entrepreneurs in a variety of industries. She is also a best-selling author of dozens of titles, has her own radio and TV show and is also a keynote speaker.

Terri has a passion for helping businesses to grow with her own personal experience gained while building multiple successful businesses from the ground up. Terri has created the Heart-repreneur® cause teaching business owners to do business heart-to-heart.



  • Why we can serve people and make a living doing it
  • How your prices should be linked to the value that you deliver
  • Terri’s early days in business and the way her mindset around charging for her coaching services has evolved
  • The way she runs her business now using delegation
  • How her programs are now structured and why she offers a guarantee
  • Using Facebook for business – the right way
  • Who Terri’s biggest influences in business have been


“In my opinion and my experience, there’s no reason not to be making money. There’s no reason to be embarrassed about that.”

“I made a very conscious choice to only work with those who are super committed to their goals and their results, and only taking on people that I knew I could actually get them those results.”

“We find a lot of men also want to do business in a more conscious, awake and aware way.”


The Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes

The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

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