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Episode #590: Adam Gilad: A Fun Way To Add Extra Revenue

by | Jan 21, 2019 | Podcasts

A prolific author, speaker, screenwriter, film producer, mentor and coach, Adam Gilad lives to spark his readers, clients and audiences into creating a robust, daring and fearless life of love, adventure and nurturance.

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • How learning through play and games is a natural way to exist and tap your creativity
  • What an “elation-based business” is all about
  • The six modules of this type of business
  • How to fill the seats and what Adam offers in his business
  • Why people really need in- person interaction
  • The reasons his program is a great way to introduce people to coaching, transformation and personal growth


“The real game is the game of life.”

“We played these sort of transformational or intentional games that opened people up to who they actually are.”

“People buy from people they know, like and trust.”

“Get paid to have people experiencing you, so they can hire you as a coach!”


Adam’s Website & Mastery Circles

Jane McGonigal’s TED Talk

The Prosperous Coach by Rich Litvin

Supercoach by Michael Neill

Opportunity by Eben Pagan 

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