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Your business, your choices

by | Apr 13, 2018 | Blog

Looking through my iPhone, I noticed that I have a strange mix of music on there …

I admit it, I like the old stuff. I wasn’t alive in the 50’s or 60’s (I just arrived at the tail end of the 70’s), but a lot of my music is from many decades ago.

I like Elvis Presley (Long live the king), Buddy Holly, The Beach Boys and other oldies.

But I also like CCR, Tom Petty, Green Day, Pearl Jam, Foo Fighters, The Proclaimers and others that are all over the map.

It’s not a bad thing – I’ve got a lot of choice for what to listen to depending on the mood that I’m in.

It reminds me of my 10 Clients In 90 Days group coaching program.

We cover a lot of ground over the 12 weeks that it runs. We do organic social media, podcast interviews, email marketing, Facebook groups, joint ventures and more.

But it’s not like you have to do every single one of those things.

You could focus on just 50% of what I teach and if you master that you’ll do very well.

I’m a proponent of only doing the stuff that you enjoy.

So if you hate writing, don’t focus on email marketing. If you can’t stand video, Facebook Lives aren’t for you.

If you don’t like something, you won’t stick with it consistently and you won’t get results.

It’s your business, and you get to choose what you spend your time on.

If you’d like to get more coaching clients, there are plenty of things to choose from in here:

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