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To Be, Or Not To Be (Certified)?

by | May 20, 2016 | Blog

“Should I get my coaching certification?”

If I had a dollar for every time I’ve been asked that question, well I wouldn’t be coaching …

I’d be on a sunny beach somewhere, sipping tropical drinks without a care in the world!

Coaching certification is a big debate in Coachland at the moment. Anytime a discussion starts around this online, it resembles a heated political argument (like Trump vs. Clinton)

The pro-side screams that it’s necessary and anyone who isn’t certified shouldn’t be putting themselves out there as coaches.

The other side counters that certifications are a waste of money: merely a piece of paper and are in no way necessary to be a coach.

So who’s right???

Well, like anything in life, there’s no right answer.

Life isn’t always black and white, it’s usually a shade of grey.

This isn’t just me passing the buck or sitting on the fence here. I have conversations with well over 1000 coaches every year (on-air with the podcast, and off-air with other coaches), and I’ve thought a lot about this.

I’ve seen some incredible certification courses that are worth every penny.  And I’ve seen ones that are pretty much useless.

I’ve met amazing coaches who aren’t certified, but who are doing a great job and get the results that they promise.  And I’ve met others who should not be coaching.

Here’s what I hate about *some* certifications:

When a coach spends every last penny on getting certified (often $5,000, $10,000, or even more) and then comes out of that process without being able to afford to get a website up, or doesn’t have the 20 bucks a month to have an email platform like Aweber, then that’s an issue.

They may have gotten the coach-training side of things, but they have no clue how to get clients through their doors, and they have no money left to invest in the things to get going.

I’m not certified. But I spend thousands of dollars a year on books, courses, hiring my own coaches, and anything that will help my personal development (seriously, it’s a bit of an obsession – some people have shoes, some have watches, others go with art … I have personal development!)

I improve every year (actually, every day) because I invest a lot of money into my personal development.

Have I ever had a client say “Marc, I’m ready to get started with you … but before I pay you, can you send over your certification paperwork?”

No. Not one.

The key is to always be improving – however you think you can best improve. If it’s through certification then awesome, have at it. If it’s through other methods, go that route.

Just make sure you’re always improving … if you’re not willing to invest money in yourself, then don’t expect others to pay you.

Where do you fall on the certification debate? (wait a minute, I’m getting my bulletproof vest on here.)

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