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They’re Watching You …

by | May 1, 2016 | Blog

Do you ever feel like you’re putting content out there: on social media, videos, on your blog, etc – and that not many people are seeing it?

I think every coach or content creator feels that way sometimes.

I’ve got a lot of people on my email list, as Facebook friends, fans and members of my FB group.  I’ve got almost 60,000 Twitter followers and am active on several other social media networks, so my # of followers is probably around 85,000 people.

(If that came across like bragging, I’m not – I’m using it to make the following point!)

When I put a post up, I usually get engagement from a relatively small percentage of my community …

It could be 50 or 75 likes/comments on a Facebook post, or maybe a few hundred comments on some things.

Although that seems like a lot, it’s not a big number when compared to the size of my community.

Does that mean that 84,700 followers either didn’t see it, or not get anything from it?


I often hear from people who admit: “I love your stuff Marc – I’ve never commented on anything … but I lurk” (this is especially true in my Facebook group, The Coaching Jungle.)

So for fun, I decided that I wanted to get the lurkers out of the shadows. Recently, I put up a post in the Facebook group that was aimed directly at “the lurkers”.

In the post, I encouraged lurkers (who I defined as someone who had never commented or posted), asking them to post in that thread with absolutely anything that they wanted, even just to say “Hi”.

The result? A lot of cool people who I had never heard from before participated (and some of them are no longer lurkers!)

I’m telling you this because your message is making a difference – even if you don’t see it.  You can be giving value without people gushing all over what you release with “likes” and comments.

Here’s something to try this week – put a call out to the lurkers in your community, and let them know that you want to hear from them.

Sometimes it’s that call-to-action that does the trick!

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