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How to stick out like a sore (and profitable) thumb

by | Mar 24, 2018 | Blog

It’s not a bad business strategy to publicly disagree with the top dogs in your industry.

In today’s social media landscape, a lot of the people sound the same.

Or they at least sound similar, perhaps with their own slight spin, but with the same general attitudes and opinions.

A lot of people agree with the big names because they think “Hey, they’re making a lot of money, so I should talk like them”.

I say be unique, and give strong opinions that go against the grain in your industry.

For example, look at Larry Winget (“The Pitbull of Personal Development”). He basically says the opposite of 99% of the motivational speaking world. Instead of gooey, touchy-feely stuff he’s hard-hitting and not afraid of stirring the pot with book titles like Grow a Pair, Shut Up, Stop Whining and Get a Life and You’re Broke Because You Want To Be.

It works for Larry, because he’s one of the few doing that. He’s built a successful career with this strategy.

Another example:

I once came across a coach who wrote a blog post bashing Tony Robbins. He wasn’t ranting and raving, he backed up his points and defended his position in a calm manner – and because he took a stance opposite to the numerous Robbins fans out there, he stood out.

(I was one of the few coaches who openly admitted to not liking Robbins’ infomercial, oops “documentary”, I Am Not Your Guru. I got some blowback from that opinion).

If you’re a coach, there’s potential profit in choosing some of the leaders in your niche and putting out an opposing point of view.

If you’re a sales coach, choose something that Grant Cardone says and give your counterposition (or it could be Brendon Burchard, Marie Forleo, Marshall Goldsmith, etc depending on what you do)

The important thing is to not just put out a differing opinion for the sake of it. You should actually believe in what you’re saying, and be able to back it up. Bonus points for not sounding like a flake or loon while you’re doing it.

If you do this, you’ll get on the radars of those people’s fans and also their detractors, and either way more people will know who you are.

More eyeballs and attention will lead to more sales.

I’m not afraid to put out controversial opinions in my Secret Coach Club newsletter. Every month I pour my guts out on its pages to help you get more coaching clients and customers.

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