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Shattering the glass ceiling

by | Oct 17, 2017 | Blog

We heard a lot about the “glass ceiling” last year, during an election where it looked like Hillary Clinton was a lock to become the first female president of the United States.

(The location they chose for her “victory party” even had an actual glass ceiling – how’s that for symbolism?)

Her victory wasn’t to be, but I’m seeing glass ceilings being shattered every day by coaches.

Just yesterday, one of the coaches in my group program got his first client at the new pricing for his program ($5k for three months working 1:1 with him).

My client felt like a million bucks after that happened, and I could instantly see the change in his energy during our call.

I told him, and the others in the group, that he shattered a glass ceiling and nothing will ever be the same for him.

Once you get one client paying you at your new, higher fee then it gets a lot easier to land future ones.

It’s a lot like Roger Bannister – the first runner to crack the four-minute mile.

Before Bannister, people tried to break that mark for years and couldn’t do it. It was thought to be unachievable.

But once Bannister beat it in 1954, a bunch of other runners did the same in the years immediately following.

They saw Bannister do it, so they knew it could be done.

The glass ceiling had been shattered.

If you’re ready to push yourself and break some barriers in your coaching business, my 10 Clients In 90 Days group program can help.

I’ll work directly with you and push you further than you’ve been pushed before.

There’s just one spot out of six remaining in the group that starts next week. Get more details here:

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