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Why I said ‘yes’ to Dallas

by | Mar 26, 2018 | Blog

Lately I’m getting asked to be a guest on so many online summits that I’m starting to turn most down.

But there’s one that I agreed to be a part of, since I like what the summit host is doing with it and I know it’ll help a lot of coaches.

It’s Dallas Travers’ annual Six Figure Coach Summit, and it kicks off Monday, April 9th.

My session will be all about exploding your business with Facebook groups. You’ll learn other stuff like:

– Find more qualified leads with a brand new (and crazy-simple) approach to the online marketing funnel.
– Convert those leads into happy clients without feeling pushy, sleazy or slimy.
– Fast-track your business success with a clear and compelling brand message.
– Discover your Brilliance Zone to easily become known as the go-to expert in your field.
– Leverage Facebook ads, and Messenger bots to connect with your tribe and convert more clients.
– Recognize the right time to hire support so you can grow your business without pulling all-nighters and working non-stop.
– Implement a step-by-step money nurturing plan (including a done for you tracking sheet) to create more cash flow in your business starting now.
– Escape the “Time For Money” Trap and scale your services for more impact and freedom
– Clear away the chaos and learn how to prioritize to become more productive.
– Deepen your skills as a coach, a leader, and a human being doing good work in the world.

If any of these topics jump out for you, you can register for your free spot here:

(Yes, that’s an affiliate link and I’ll make some money if you buy the offer at the end of the summit – but you’ll learn a lot from the free stuff even if you don’t).

See you on the 9th.

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