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Happy Wife, Happy Life

by | May 3, 2016 | Blog

One of my clients, Paul, is a career coach who’s really on the ball.

He’s always early for our calls, he sends me updates to let me know how things are going, and he cares for his clients (a plus for us coaches!)

Last week, we had an interview scheduled on Blab, and I got a Skype call from Paul a day or two before the interview …

He was in a panic because his wife just let him know that there was a surprise dinner planned for one of their friends, and it fell during the exact time that our Blab was scheduled to start (it was going to be a surprise for Paul too!)

So Paul wasn’t sure what to do: should he keep the Blab for the scheduled time and disappoint his wife, or postpone the interview?

Decisions, decisions …

Now you would think that I, a fan of Gary Vaynerchuk and Grant Cardone (two guys who promote 10x and a lot of hustle) would suggest that Paul risk marital discord and do the interview at the original time, right?


I actually told him:

“Happy wife, happy life” (translation: do the dinner and we’ll push the interview back a day)

As important as business is, I’ve mellowed out somewhat at the (hopefully) wise old age of 37. In my 20’s, or even earlier in my 30’s, I was in the “work 24/7” camp.

Put the horse blinders on, and work work work!

But as I get older, I strive to hit a balance. To be a productive beast at business, but also not lose sight of the family stuff (when my son was born that really opened my eyes.)

Here’s the thing: we pushed the interview back one day, nobody died, and Paul knocked it out of the park!

The interview was all about how to use your USP (Unique Selling Proposition) for greater career/life success, and I think you’ll get a lot from it (I did).

Here’s the link to watch.

And remember: happy wife (or husband, or family), happy life …


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