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Give me your book suggestions 🙂

by | Mar 19, 2017 | Blog

I’m heading off to San Diego to speak at Social Media Marketing World in a few days, and I’m going to load up the Kindle with some books for the plane and do a bit of reading while I’m away.

So I need your help …

What book do I absolutely HAVE to read?

I usually read personal development/business ones, but they can be other types that will open up my eyes and make me think differently.

I’ve read most of the well-known books in the personal development space, like Think and Grow Rich, How To Win Friends And Influence People and the other big ones.

I’m looking for ones that are less well-known, but powerful. For example, I just finished reading Cal Newport’s Deep Work and it fits that description – it isn’t a mega best-seller or anything, but it’s a great book.

Fire away. Send me a message and let me know … the winning suggestions will get a shout out from me by email this week …

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