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A summit for people who hate summits

by | Apr 6, 2018 | Blog

I have to admit something:

I’m starting to hate summits.

Ok, “hate” might be a strong word …

But I’ve definitely become lukewarm (or a little “Meh”) on them over the last few years.

The usual summit loads a bunch of people onto a schedule and throws 20 or 30 boring interviews at those who register. And don’t get me started on the “free gifts” – tons of PDFs that sit on your laptop collecting virtual dust.

Then the summit hosts gives boring, microwaved swipe copy to all of the interviewees to copy and paste and send around to their email lists, which results in the exact same email being sent all over the Interwebs.

So over the last few years, I’ve been turning down most requests for me to appear on summits. I’ll go on pretty much any podcast that invites me on (unless it’s one for fans of Beanie Babies or Grey’s Anatonomy) but if it’s a summit, I’ll likely pass.

One recent exception is Dallas Travers’ Six Figure Coach Summit, which starts on Monday (and another one with Danielle Fitzpatrick Clark later this month, since I like what Danielle is doing too)

I know Dallas, and she doesn’t put out garbage. And when I saw the list of people participating (including my friends Justin Devonshire, Chris Miles, Vanessa Talbot and Samantha Alvarez) I threw on my swim trunks and hopped into the pool, so to speak.

Here’s the Cliff’s Notes on it:

Dallas has rounded up 20-some smart folks with the goal of getting you across the six-figure mark for your coaching business. Lots of different topics are being covered: I’m handling Facebook groups, but if they aren’t your thing there’s plenty of other topics that will help you.

With the experts who are being interviewed and things being taught, you won’t get bored.

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